New Person on the floor/in my life

Meet my new friend Will. He also has CF and B Cepacia. It is hard to get if you are healthy and usually comes for you if you have a weak immune systems or chronic lung diseases. That means that us CFer's definitely have to stay six feet apart because if we do not then we can kiss getting better or getting new lungs good-bye. I have to admit that my first impressions of Will were not that great but it turns out that he is super kind and sweet. We do our treatments together and I have taught him all my secret ways of taking pills. He agrees that taking pills with chocolate pudding is genius and yummy. I have made a plan to help Will get better if it is the last thing that I do. Which might be the last thing I do. Think positive Stella! Anyway, some more fun facts about Will is that he has been to tons of hospitals around the world. His mom desperately wants him to get better so she goes to every hospital that has a new CF curing medicine. Sadly, none of these have worked. I wonder what drew them to this hospital? What is Barb not telling me? Oh, wait I already have the answer. The answer is everything! Have to sign off. Time for Will and I to do are night-time treatments!
-Stella Grant


  1. @barbthecfstopper: Thank you for getting Will to take his treatments! You are the boss of schedules.

  2. @poethebro: Why does Will get to do his treatments with you? I have known you longer! Put me in the circle!

  3. @willnopills: Good to know that people will know my name. I just need my own cf blog now.


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